Thursday, December 22, 2005

Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho


Today I got the final gift purchased. I got all the gifts wrapped. I got the bowl gifts organized. I delivered the six dozen dinner buns that I baked last night. I phoned four raffle prize winners. I drove one person to work. I drove one person home from school. I drove one person home from work. I exchanged a book at the library. I made fresh waffles with custard sauce for breakfast and mushroom meatballs with rice for supper. I worked on my Christmas sewing project. I tried one of my sugar free candy canes and it was pretty good.

Tomorrow I will bake buns for our Christmas dinner. I will go to the Chiropractor and go straight again. I will finish my sewing project. I will begin to gather the things that are going with us to Saskatoon for Christmas Day. I will make a list of the things I need to bring. I will pay the bills.


I will do no more tonight. I will be asleep by 11:01.

Until tomorrow, then, Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. I feel exhausted just reading that. I think I'm going to take a nap.
