Wednesday, April 29, 2009

And, We're Back

What a long week.

A good week, but long.

It was really good to catch up with Johanna and Nate. Really good to spend my birthday hanging out with Johanna. She helped me buy a couple of bras (so I could stop hanging out...) and a few shirts, and we split the difference over a pair of Payless shoes. We ate Yogen Fruz, and French pastry, and drank Starbucks coffee (how did they come up with that name, I wonder...)

Friday night was spent at the Knight & Day restaurant or something for an end of the day birthday gathering. Very fun.

Some highlights were:

-spending time with Johanna and Nate

-reconnecting with Lorna! What fun to find a long lost friend from Bible School days! The world just got smaller

-finding ourselves at Prospect Point, at Stanley Park, and listening to the most soul grabbing music ever. I got  verklempt more than once

-getting the prayer shawl finished and delivered to the Prince Albert Ladies, via another good friend

-catching up with conference friends; especially good as we missed the Pastor's and Spouses retreat last year

It was a good weekend, but it's good to be home.

If I make it through MOPS tomorrow morning, I'll be in the clear for a bit.

Feels like bedtime, and it's only just past eight thirty.

I must indeed be getting old...

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