Friday, July 28, 2006

Isn't It Wonderful

She popped into my bedroom this morning, on her way to work.

Your hands are cold, she said.

I know, isn't it wonderful?!

It's cold in here, she said.

I know, isn't it wonderful?!

That means Autumn is coming.

I know, isn't it wonderful?!

That means school is starting soon.

I know! Isn't it wonderful!


  1. Let me tell you a little secret - there has come a time when we KNOW ours won't be going back to school again AND they'll be around all day Saturday. When will we get privacy and time off?

  2. This is the 3rd blog I've read today that referred to fall being here. Let the record show we still have 3.5 weeks of summer holidays and 44 days until the autumnal equinox. I refuse to rush summer because it's already so short! :)
