Thursday, April 12, 2007

I'm PRETTY Sure It Was A Dream...

All the evidence points that way...

But weird just the same.

The thing is, that since Randall's alarm went off this morning, a couple of things happened... that I don't think really happened...

First, I heard an engine and tires, and the back door open, and rummaging around... and I wondered what he'd forgotten.

Then he was in the bedroom, rifling  through the dresser, and I crawled toward consciousness to ask what he was looking for. He told me, and it was something I vaguely remember knowing something about, but couldn't tell him where it was... and he was holding a HUGE box full of ice-cream cone cups... and as he stood there getting frustrated because the thing he was looking for was nowhere to be found, he had to wrestle a section of ice-cream cone cups back into the box, to lie straight...

And then he left again.

And I noticed that the clock said 11:00 and thought "I've really slept late; I should get up"... but I felt too tired and woozy and just lay back on the pillows for a minute more.

When I got up, and came into the kitchen,  three of the kids were there... Thomas, Micah and... Johanna... and the first thing I noticed, (and not that Johanna doesn't live here anymore) was that the computer was gone from the corner of the kitchen.

I had just been thinking, before I got up, that if the computer is really dying I need to get Randall to back up all my Sunday School lesson files to keep them from being lost; so imagine my chagrin at finding that while I slept, the computer HAD indeed died,  been dismantled and relegated to... the bottom shelf of the bookcase that holds my cookbooks in the kitchen.

I was so concerned about losing the lesson files that, at the time, I didn't even wonder what had become of the cookbooks that had been on the shelf...

I just went back to bed at that point, being unable to face the day, and then I heard the cuckoo clock chime once for the half hour and looked, and it was...


So, since the computer is still here, and Johanna is definitely not, and although I am still a little tired and woozy...

I think...

I may...

Soon be eligible for the Weird Dream Club.

As long as it's not for that reason...


  1. You and Chris should compare notes about dreams: by comparison you're a well of normality and good sense.

  2. A lady from up the street came over for a visit the other day and I told her about us moving and the crazy housing market in town right now. I said, "but it looks like there are a lot of houses for sale on Dunn Drive right now" (the street at the t-intersection by our house). Then I thought about that and said, "or... maybe I dreamt that" And she said, "I think you must've b/c I haven't noticed any for sale". Sure enough, I drove by yesterday -- no houses for sale. That was one vivid dream!
