Friday, April 16, 2010

The End Of An Era

I got word that my nearly 95 year old Grandfather passed away this morning.

It's hard to be sad about it, because he was tired and ready to be done.

I suspect that the prospect of recovering from his emergency hip replacement surgery on Wednesday was just too overwhelming for him.

Another transition. Another adjustment.

Our last Grandparent.

It's good he's at rest.


  1. Lots to think about, a life well-lived. Good memories. On Tuesday its 25 years since my parents passed. We keep going on and are better women because of our childhood experiences with them. I've been spending lots of time sharing old stories so my kids will also remember and appreciate who they were to us. I'll be praying for you as you process his passing, my friend.

  2. What a blessing for you to have a surviving grandparent at your age. I lost my last grandparent (grandpa was almost 92) in January of this year. It was tough, but knowing that he lived a good long life made it easier for me. Take care!

  3. Our Grandparents' and Parents' (both mine and Randall's) ability to have their families when they were in their twenties has been a huge blessing for us AND our children. When Randall's Grandpa died about 6 years ago, our high school aged children had a hard time convincing their friends that they were going to the funeral of their 85 year old GREAT-Grandfather. How awesome is it for our children to have known most of their Great-grandparents? Completely awesome. That is an amazing legacy.
