Monday, July 11, 2011

Safe And Sound

The Boy's home.

Everyone is accounted for, and they look none the worse for wear, if pretty tired out.

First load of laundry is already half done, and he's begun unloading his Haitian treasures. (Vanilla extract by the litre and ground cinnamon prepared locally by Madame Ciliane  Jean Baptiste  Coissy for his Mama. Does he know me or what?)

Himself has been showered off and I think we're all  pretty much ready for bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be a quiet, relaxed kind of day.

I might have to put his coffee beans somewhere a little more airtight... pretty strongly scented...

Time to go change loads in the washer and then hie us to dreamland.

Keep an eye on his weblog. I think he'll have stories to tell.

1 comment:

  1. Seems such a quick trip, but no doubt so life changing/forming - maybe for you as well as him...? Re the purchases..seems like you sent him off with a shopping list..good call ..!
