Yesterday I tagged along while Randall went to the city to run some errands.
One of the best parts of the day was discovering a package of Scrabble Tile fridge magnets. The label declared it contained all the tiles you'd find in an actual Scrabble game.
I could not resist.
Last night I found that the tiles in a Scrabble game will write, "ASK ME NO QUESTIONS I WILL TELL YOU NO LIES", as well as, "PRETEND TO BE AMAZED BY WHAT I CREATED", "ROUGHING UP FRIDGE FORCE", and "JAVA, RAVING, OX" with and "I" and an "A" left over.
How fun is that?
This morning, before I went out, I left them a message:
"HARD BOILED EGGS FOR YOU IN THE SMALL CARTON TOP SHELF", and "ENJOY TODAY". I wanted to add that I loved them both, but the letter reservoir was running low, so I used a heart shaped magnet and ended with "I <heart> U AND U"
When I got home, I immediately noticed that the second U was missing from my message of love, but I quickly saw that it had been used to create an answering message:
"TANKS VERI MUC ... WE IOVE EEU TO" (the "O" was actually the Q turned upside down)
Aren't they cute and clever? I can see that the amusement potential here is very high.
As long as I can resist the urge to make a paper Scrabble board and turn the freezer door into an actual Scrabble game...
Love! Very cool find!