Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Plans, They Changed

A week ago I was gearing up for company- making beds, vacuuming, cleaning, thinking up menus...

And then, one after another, all the company got cancelled.

Motorcycle repairs, pumps that needed manning... unavoidable life stuff; it just goes that way sometimes.

It's been a different week than I was expecting. Instead of Canasta, conversations and company it's been clean and quiet. Not better or worse, just different.

We also seem to have developed a slight case of summer. Hot and humid by day, thunder and lightening by night, mosquitoes everywhere and always. It's about time, to be sure, but I could certainly do without the melting, stifling humidity. And the mosquitoes.

Another week is about to begin, and it looks to be slightly quieter than last week. We're in the calmer, growing period of summer, when swatting flies, iced drinks and ceiling fans rule.


Here's to quiet and calm.

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