Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I Didn't Wear My Long Johns

I didn't stop to refold my pant leg into my boot.

I got a ride there, and walked back.

I got my back straightened, did a few errands and went grocery shopping for the first time in over 2 weeks.

Which, in real terms means:

My thighs nearly froze,  I lost a chunk from the front of my leg where the corner of the hem of my jeans dug in and rubbed for 4 blocks, I was walking into the wind so my cheeks are all wind-burnt and hot, and I feel like I  was working out at the gym for a couple of hours at least. Tired and achy!


The girl wasn't kidding when she said it took her a good couple of months to get back to feeling normal! (my friend who had the same surgery a couple of years ago)

Good thing that bed is still comfortable.


  1. It does take quite a while for things to stabilise. A friend (and mum of another friend) that worked for me had what you've had a few years back, then total removal about 18 months ago. Took her fully 6 weeks before she could return part time after the last op.

  2. Sheesh, my girl! Take it easy still.

    Hope you took a nice long nap after that one!

  3. Now, Mother says you won't be doing anything like that again any time soon!!! I know you want to get going but....but....but.....

  4. There are a few beautiful pictures of you on my blog today....
